Remnant Wikia

The Ranquell Peace Commission, abbreviated as the RPC, was a military alliance founded on Ranquell in 240 ABY. As the powers of the Jedi Order waned under the gravitational pull of the looming Dark Side and cases of psychosis rose, tensions broiled between galactic factions due to the perceived weakness of the Tair Republic, and the Commission sought to usurp the position of galactic peacekeeping from the Jedi- and succeeded, for the most part.

While the Jedi continued their internal conflicts with the Exiles, the Commission was working behind the scenes to undermine both sides of the conflict. Those in the Republic attempting to keep the government and secular military out of the Jedi squabble were quickly uprooted by the Commission, which then placed Senator Pax Reva in the office of Chancellor; both factions of Jedi were out of hand, it was decided, and they immediately set out to stop the conflict in the name of Galactic peace. As a result, the Jedi piece of the old Triumvirate was removed from governmental duties, and the Jedi largely retired to such retreats as Illum, Yavin IV, and Ossus.
