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Ushara Tavlijiis
Ushara the Hutt
Biographical information

59 ABY, Ylesia



Physical statistics






Biographical information

Galactic Alliance



Ushara Tavlijiis Orrt, more commonly known as Ushara the Hutt, was a Senator of Hutt Space and of the Tavlijiis kajidic originally hailing from Ylesia who rose to the position of Chancellor of the Tair Republic following the resignation of Chancellor Reva. His greed was too massive to stop at the Chancellery and soon after, Ushara named himself "Protector" of the Alliance Protectorate.
Using his criminal connections, the Hutt bribed a portion of the Senate and used Alliance funds and ships to support his ventures in the Hutt Cartel. Many who couldn't be bought were extorted or fearmongered into submission.
Ushara stretched his arm too far, however, when he tried to monopolize trade for the Cartel, which resulted in outrage among the Black Sun and its affiliate syndicates and commerce caucuses.


Early Life[]

The Hutt known as Ushara Tavlijiis Orrt was born on Ylesia in 59 ABY. His father, Geshra the Hutt, was a crime lord in the Hutt Cartel, and as a result Ushara himself succeeded his elder as lorda of the Tavlijiis kajidic. Rising slowly through the ranks, Ushara gained a position on the Hutt Minor Council in 244 ABY.

Senator to the Republic[]

He was appointed first Ambassador and then Senator to the Republic in 247 ABY, and directly opposed Pax Reva for the position of Chancellor in the Elections of 248 ABY, but the huge support of the military Ranquell Commission senatorial delegates overrode him for votes. Vestis Brand, a Sullustan senator and representative of the Commission, ferociously smeared the Hutt Crimelord's political reputation in the process with the discovery of his involvement with the shady Flewq Cartels of Theltoo.

Shamed, Ushara withdrew from the political scene on Coruscant and returned home to Ylesia, where he spent the next decade rebuilding his political appearance- and wealth from lucrative criminal endeavors in the galactic Underworld.

Thispia Route Dispute[]

In 256 ABY, the Hutt Cartel engaged in a brief conflict with the Mercantile League over the Thispia Hyperspace lane, a newly-discovered shortcut route in the Outer Rim that proved optimum for shipping and cut smuggling costs in half.

Ushara, then Chief Procurator of the Hutt Cartel, coordinated the treaty with the Mercantile League in such a way as to highly benefit the Hutts. His experience in politics proved invaluable. As a result of his clever maneuvering, the Hutt Cartel had appointed him to the Grand Council by 258 ABY. However, he earned powerful enemies in the process.

Return to Coruscant[]

"The Hutt Clan sends its deepest regards and sympathies to the family of Commissioner Brand. Know that in this time of emotional struggle, our thoughts and cares go out to the victims Brand left behind." - TZ-3Z, Representative of Granchlorda Ushara the Hutt

With a seat on the Grand Council and a significantly cleaner reputation, Ushara returned to Galactic politics in 260 ABY. He publicly mourned the death of Commissioner Vestis Brand, who had died in his luxury apartment a week earlier of a flewq overdose, whilst privately building his power base. His first move was to defame Chancellor Reva, which he accomplished only through great effort. Eventually, he found a story that stuck, framing Reva, a religious Rodian with deep family attachment, as a secret libertine involved in a trafficking ring. While most politicians did not have perfect records or pure images to uphold, Ushara knew Reva did. The collapse of Reva's marriage and damage to his public image would be insurmountable.
He wisely avoided being the first to voice opposition or outrage when the scandal emerged, instead allowing the wheels of an indignant Senate to turn inevitably in his favor.
Reva resigned in disgrace, and in the emergency elections, Ushara had the full support of the Hutt Cartel behind him, along with considerable personal wealth, with which he bought the largest seats and loudest voices in the Senate Rotunda.
Ushara was elected Chancellor within the week.
